24 April 2015

08 April 2015
06 April 2015
Proudly said
Right after finished upsr, i went to sains selangor. After spm, here i am in iium. Masa isi upu takde satu pun u dekat sarawak *pastu meroyan homesick nak balik sarawak*. People can tell me as 'kacang lupa kulit' seriously. Lagi2 bila org asyik terkejut bila aku cakap aku org kuching. Rasa nak cakap ehh i org kl jew *sbb tu telur dadar jd telur dade 😌*
Dekat uia pun tak gaul sgt dgn org sarawak. Luckily i stil have jehan to speaking sarawak with 😂. But i know why. The only reason is Malu 😔. Malu sbb bila ckp sarawak, grammar aku rendah. Gelak je tp tak paham beberapa terms. Kdg kena refer jehan. Takpun tanya mama or kakcik. But sometimes i really enjoy reading conversation in gp ws sarawakian. Jadi silent reader. Boleh perbaiki vocabulary 😣.
But i still have one problem. Bila balik sarawak, mesti aii jadi poreber alone. Ada femly je. I didnt have friends to go out with bila dekat kuching. Sombong? Entah. Tp aku jeles sgt tgk kawan2 sekolah rendah semua ada bff memasing. Kira sambung persahabatan dr sekolah rendah lah. Tp aku? Entah. I dont expect they still recognize me. Kalau tersempak pun i tried to hide 🏃. Because one reason, malu nk berhadapan.
The truth is i was so happy bila dpt tgk kengkawan sekolah lama walaupun through media social and i knew all of them were successfully somewhere in this world. Merata weh. Bangga. Entah kenapa. Harhar. Shasya is touching pepetang.
Deep in my heart, i still remembered all the memories we build even it was 14-9 years ago. And proudly to say, i am sarawakian. Not malaya 😂😂 walau berabuk cakap sarawak but hey at least i can speak kau hado?
03 April 2015