"Dan kehidupan dunia ini hanya senda gurau dan permainan. Dan sesungguhnya negeri akhirat itulah kehidupan yang sebenarnya, sekiranya mereka mengetahui." [29:64]
16 May 2013
birthday my besties.
holaaaa. dira, if you are reading this, this is about you.
haha. walaupun the surprise tak menjadi. kantoi sgt haa aku nk buat date dgn kau kt lhf? lagi kantoi bila kau masuk sambil merakam. nampak sgt kantoi -.- puihh puihh.
haha. sorry babe, just a humble party. not party pun. just jamuan kecikkk. okay lah kan, ade kek comell. ahahaha. tak prepared sgt sebenarnya. then most important, penerimaan korg dekat project aku buat tuu. aku pun tk sangka korg hargai. ehem ehem, sweet kan aku? lol *sorok muka dlm baldi*
spec aku ni haa, masih berminyak dgn adegan calit menyalit. aku dh agak, buat kt sorg je takkan menjadi. mesti end up semua kena -.- nvm, yg penting happy. hahaha. i'm happy that night. spend dgn korg semua. thanks. happy belated bday nur nadirah. May Allah bless you always in duniyya and hereafter.
aku letak gambar okay?
khusyuk hayati the video
still terharu lettew :P
at the end, semua kenaa
presents from us
p/s : sila perhatikan fizahh ada dalam setiap gambar -.-
salam syafiqah yasmin..i know that the party will end up here...your blog..hee...btw thanks a very lot for all your effort to celebrate my birthday...hee..yang i masuk sambil merakam tu becuz mase sekolah dulu pun macam ni lah i kene...tapi sayangnye mase tu tak dapat rakam surprise tu...so sorry i masuk sambil merakam..sebab i want to keep that memory forever..hee..apepon sya..ira..ana..even fiza n semua yang terlibat..kotang memang amat sweeeettt!! ^^.i love you so..thanks for being there..my Allah bless you always my dear blissful friend ^^ <3 u!!!
2 Criticism:
salam syafiqah yasmin..i know that the party will end up here...your blog..hee...btw thanks a very lot for all your effort to celebrate my birthday...hee..yang i masuk sambil merakam tu becuz mase sekolah dulu pun macam ni lah i kene...tapi sayangnye mase tu tak dapat rakam surprise tu...so sorry i masuk sambil merakam..sebab i want to keep that memory forever..hee..apepon sya..ira..ana..even fiza n semua yang terlibat..kotang memang amat sweeeettt!! ^^.i love you so..thanks for being there..my Allah bless you always my dear blissful friend ^^ <3 u!!!
diraaaa. terharunya i bace ucapan u tu. hahaha. touched! i love you too yayangg. we all love you :) *hugs and kisses*
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