"Dan kehidupan dunia ini hanya senda gurau dan permainan. Dan sesungguhnya negeri akhirat itulah kehidupan yang sebenarnya, sekiranya mereka mengetahui." [29:64]
06 November 2014
Malu lah!
Hectic week as usual. Well.
Last monday, i perform my isyak prayer at mosque. Then after finished du'a, one sister who's sat next next *read as twice k?* to me asked a question. Oh oh, her name is Alef *i dunno how to spell*.
She said, "i followed mazhab hanafi and after isyak prayer, we will pray 3 more rakaah."
i asked her, what solah is that.
and then she said witr.
i replied, "ohh, we're usually pray witr before we're going to bed."
sambil senyum aku mintak diri. terasa ada batu hempap kepala.
kau cakap solat witir before tdo. betul lah tu. tak salah pun. cuma kau buat ke tak?
jawapan yg sentap diri sendiri.
aduhh. malu tau malu? cakap bagai rak, confident but yet you didnt perform pun. well, yup its sunnah. but then can you feel?
analogi kau cerita kat org gah nya cara memasak ayam bakar tandoori. but then org kata, "hebatnyaa awak reti masak" pastu kau jawab "eh taklah, sy mana pernah masak pun."
gila tak malu ke? apesal aku yg malu utk itu?
malu lah pada perkara sunat yg anda malas buat tapi rajin scroll insta, rajin tweet, rajin tulis blog. erkk.
tau cane nak atasi malu tu? well easy. maka mula lah berbuat perkara itu. at least lepas ni jawab ngan konpiden sikit pliss.
pray for me. esok ngan ahad ada midsem. may Allah ease us!
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